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14 september, 2024
Last week we had a lot of consecutive clear nights in the Netherlands. I wanted to photograph the ghost nebula for quite some time now. However, it's very feint and hard to catch from my light polluted city (bortle 6-7). Also it was a full moon, which makes it even harder. I only own duonarrowband filter, which is useless for this target, so also filters couldn't help me. I pointed my telescope at this target and made a test shot of 180 seconds exposure time. I didn't see anything... I hoped stacking would bring out some detail, so I took photos during the short night and got 4 hour of data. Stacked it and saw some detail! So decided to go for it and photographed for 7 nights in total, providing almost 20h of data. It's insane how much difference more data makes. I'm glad I could finally photograph this target and I think it turned out great 😁! Imaging details : Shot through a 200/800 newtonian with the zwoasi533mc Lights: 385 x 180 seconds Darks : 200 x 180 seconds Flats : 50 x 0,31 seconds Dark Flats : 50 x 0,31 seconds Total of 19,15 hours. 😬 Scope: 200/800newton Mount: HEQ5 Camera zwoasi533mc Guidecam: zwoasi224mc Guidescope : artesky 32mm Filter: nofilter
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Gebruikte apparatuur

Newton Telescoop 200/800 mm

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