126 keer bekeken


28 mei, 2009
Another day spent in the garden, also this time close to the pond. Saw some fabulous Dragonflies. I tried to the best of my ability to get some nice shots of a few of the "helicopter-sounding" Dragonflies around me. A couple of these photos are of the same one, but there are some different ones. Yesterday it was 302 years since Carl von Linné was born in Älmhult, Sweden. Linné, or Linnaeus, which was his original surname, spent several years in The Netherlands during his life. Predominantly in Amsterdam and Leiden (1735-1738). It was Linné who did the massive work of giving the names to, as well as dividing insects into categories registered by binomen in his Systema Naturae, which has the full name; systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis (System of nature through the three kingdoms of nature, according to classes, orders, genera and species, with [generic] characters, [specific] differences, synonyms, places) In these photos you can see the male species of Orthetrum cancellatum (English: Black Tailed Skimmer, Norwegian: Liten Blålibelle, Dutch: Beekoeverlibel). Categorized by Linneaus in 1758.
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Canon EOS 20D
Flash fired, auto mode · ontbekende flits waarde

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