
Canon EOS 5D Mark II


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10 jaar geleden
Hi Olha. I read your Autumn post on your website. I really liked the photo's, especially number 1 and 4. I suppose it is the same tree on both photo's. I hope to see them on Zoom one day! Greetings, Ton
10 jaar geleden
Hi Ton! Thanks a lot for the reading and your nice words! Yeah...I visit not that often last time... And I didn't post a lot of my photos here. But yeah, number 1 and 4 will be on zoom today! :) Thanks again! Have a nice evening! Greetings, Olha
10 jaar geleden
Hi Olha, as I said in my comment on your photo "Sunshine shower" I looked at your website and it made me very happy. I have always wanted to ask you wheter you would be willing to share your great skills in photography with me, for instance in a workshop. But I never dared to ask, but now I see that you do give workshops, so I hope I will be able to join one in the (near) future. Please contact me when you are ready for it. Last week I retired from work, so I have some more time to spend, though I still have many other things to do. I hope to hear from you. Greetings, Ton
10 jaar geleden
Hi Ton! Thanks so much for your kind words! Well, you always can ask if you have any questions, I'm pretty friendly person, so I will definitely reply if I know the answer :) About the workshops... Yes, I decided to give some talks and workshops, as few people asked me about. Also I think I finally have enough (it's actually never enought...) knowledge in photography to share... I'm pretty busy this autumn, since I have a lot of plans. So I don't plan to organize anything by myself this autumn. In winter/spring - I'm thinking about it, but it will be probably something about city-night photography, and probably in Groningen, may be in Friesland. Since the nature at that time in the Netherlands is not in it's best look. Otherwise there will be some snow :) So the nature workshops will be rather in summer. I will update it on the web-site. But all of that is only about my plans to organize workshops by myself. In case if there will be at least 3 (max.8) people willing a workshop with me this autumn - I will focus on it and prepare it. It can be any location also. Of course I will visit the location before giving the workshop. So this is in short. Ah yes...the workshop will be in English... I can switch sometimes to Dutch, but I don't feel that free speaking Dutch. If you have any questions - I will reply asap. And probably better via e-mail : Thanks again Ton! Have a nice evening! gr.Olha
10 jaar geleden
P.S. In case if there will be people willing the workshop, I would prefer the end of October- first part of November, when the nice tree colors will still stay. And sure some nice swamp/lake/forest anywhere. This all can be arranged Good night, Olha
10 jaar geleden
Hi Olha, thanks for your extensive answer. I am in no hurry, but if there are more people I hope to join. I hope not to offend you by saying that I am not interested in city-night photography; only nature landscape. I will keep an eye on your website, but if you do organise something this autums, please remember me... Greetings, Ton
10 jaar geleden
Hi Ton, No offending :) Sure city-photography is something very different. Of course I will contact you if there will something this autumn! For now for me - trips and more trips :) And I need finally start the blog on the web-site. More people ask me to write the story, not just show the pistures :) Have a nice weekend Ton! Gr. Olha
10 jaar geleden
Hallo Olha. Hoe gaat het me je, ik mis je mooie foto's! Elke keer als ik nieuws over je geboorteland Oekraïne zie of hoor moet ik aan je denken. Het zal wel een moeilijke tijd zijn voor jou en je familie. Ik hoop dat er een goede oplossing komt. Veel sterkte gewenst en hopelijk mogen we nog weer van je mooie werk genieten! Groeten, Ton
10 jaar geleden
Hello Ton! So happy to hear from you! And I'm so grateful for your support. I'm was back from Ukraine just last week. And yeah..I didn't post here photos for a very long time...I was too stressed if honestly. But thanks God, our revolution succeded, we won this fight. And most of my friends are safe, not all of them unfortunately. Now is this situation with bloody Russia, but I believe we will win this fight too. All my relatives live in the Western Ukraine, mainly in Lviv. And it's calm there, people enjoy spring and don't think about the war. In the Eastern part everything is much worse. But let's see. I'm back for now and busy with photography again. So soon - wait for my photo-spam :) Sorry again for my English. After speaking in Ukrainian for a long time, I speak Dutch even worse then before. Thanks again for your support! It helps a lot. Bests, Olha
10 jaar geleden
Hi Olha, so good to hear from you. I am glad you are OK. For people living in Holland it is very difficult to understand what is going on in your country; it is a complicated situation. All we can do is to hope it will turn out well in the end. Greetings, Ton
10 jaar geleden
Yes, sure. But let's hope that there will be no world war 3... Thanks Ton! Have a nice day! Olha
11 jaar geleden
Hoi Olha, dank je voor het fav. maken van "beautiful sky". Leuk! groetjes Jacqueline
11 jaar geleden
He hallo Olha, Ik heb n tijdje je werk gevolgd, erg indruk wekkend wat je laat zien hier :-) Heb de fan knop ingedrukt om je werk te volgen! Maar, wil er wel bij zeggen, als ik kritiek zie geef ik het ook! :-) Groetjes Ferry
11 jaar geleden
Hallo Ferry! Dank je wel voor je leuke woorden! Ik ben heel blij om te horen :) De kritiek is altijd goed! Het helpt me om mezelf te ontwikkelen :) groeten, Olha
11 jaar geleden
Hoi Olha, wat een leuke reacties heb je bij een aantal foto's van me gezet. En je gaat me ook nog volgen.....superleuk en bedankt! Fijn weekend nog, groet, Cocky
11 jaar geleden
Hoi Cocky! Ik vind jouw foto's niet typisch en met veel leuke ideeën. Dus ik wil ze niet meer missen :) Dank je wel! Fijn weekend! gr.Olha