
-Hello! My name is Krzysztof Tollas, I am a landscape photographer from the charming town of Piła, located in the middle of beautiful forests on the peaceful river Gwda. Since I began my photographic journey in 2015, I have harbored a deep respect and connection with the natural world. Landscape photography has given me the special privilege of capturing the beauty of the world and sharing it with like-minded souls. From the very beginning of my odyssey as a landscape photographer, I had the unwavering belief that nature is the greatest masterpiece given to us. My mission is to capture its beauty, wildness and uncut charm in a way that resonates deeply in the human heart, and inspires the discovery of new dimensions and experiences. My work mainly focuses on photographing landscapes and forests, because I believe there is something unique and incomparable about these places. Landscapes show us how beautiful and diverse our world is, how much there is still to discover and how valuable these places are for our planet. Every photo I take is a small work of art for me. I try to capture moments in which light, color and composition come together in a harmonious unity. I want my photos to allow people to see landscapes and forests in a way they have never seen before. I believe that photography is not just a skill, but also a lifestyle and a way of seeing the world. Sharing the beauty of nature with others is extremely important to me. I hope that my photos contribute to increasing ecological awareness and respect for nature.

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23 - 07 - 2024
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